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Kölsch Table Service—From 6pm to 8:30pm

Kölsch is a beer that is made with ale yeast in a process more like a lager making this hybrid brew spectacular. Kölsch is traditionally served in a tall, thin, cylindrical 20-cl glass called a Stange. The beer is poured and placed in a Kranz, a circular tray designed to fit and carry several strangen for easy transport. Instead of walking up to order a refill, we’ll immediately replace an empty Stange with a full one, marking a tick on coaster under the Stange. When you’ve had your fill, all you need to do is place the coaster on top of the empty Stange or bring your coaster up to the service counter and we’ll close you out for the ticks on the coaster. Come celebrate this long-standing tradition with us. Pre-registration is encouraged on Eventbrite.

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