Join us for BeerGo at Luce Line Brewing!
This week we play in support of the Plymouth Rotary Club, who’s mission is, “provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.”
We play 10 rounds of BeerGo, with the ability to purchase up to 4 cards per round. We ask for $1 donation per card and invite you to give more if you’d like! Prizes awarded to the winner of each round!
Sandy’s Grill is on site serving up delicious foods…great for working up an appetite playing BeerGo!
See you soon!
Weekly Events
Click for CALENDAR
Tuesday Special – 2 Pours and a Pizza
Wednesday Trivia
Thursday – Live Music
Thursday – Game Night
Thursday – Beer Go
Firken Friday